Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rude Return for Gustine

The Gustine Redskins made their 2010 Southern League return after 4 years in the Western Athletic Conference, which include other westside schools Orestimba and Patterson.  The Southern League will be a better fit for the Redskins with a student population of just over 500.  That will place Gustine in the middle of the SL pack with TC (180), RC (280), and Denair (375) smaller and LeGrand (550), Waterford, Delhi and Maripose all around 670 students larger.

untitled copy

The Redskin's introduction to TC volleyball was a negative experience all around as the JV Eaglettes opened the evening with a 3 set win to begin the Southern League season.

TC Volleyball 2010 058
The Big Hitters Request Their Sets
(Pretend this picture is vs. Gustine)

The varsity came out swinging as Molly Z. and Kara G pounded the stuffing out of the ball with 8 and 6 kills respectively.  The team as a whole had an impressive 25 kills against the Red & White.  As if the kills were not enough Rebekah M. and Kaisa S. provided 12 of the teams 15 aces, Becca with 7 and Kai with 5.  The visitors never new what hit them.  A third setter arrived on the hardwood with Kara G.  getting 7 assists, many to Molly Z, with very impressive ball handling.  It was a fun game for the girls, fans, and parents as all the players played in at least 2 of the three games.

TC Volleyball 2010 063
Tara Pounds the Ball

Tonight the girls improved to 2-0 in the Southern League.  Look for the upcoming blog about that game:-)

Come out and see the girls at home on Thursday night against LeGrand.

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