This is a farewell to a very special group of multi-sport seniors. I have attended a huge amount of games, meets, and tournaments over the last four years
Year 1: Freshman Domination
Volleyball: The JV volleyball team was dominated by a very strong freshman class with Molly Z, Molly F, Cheyenne P, Paige U. and Kaisa S all making contributions to the team. The team ended the Southern League in third place.
Basketball: Three of this year's varsity squad were starters on TC's first Southern League JV Champions with 14 wins and 1 loss. The team was lead by the scoring of the Molly's with Molly F leading the team and Molly Z second. Molly Zuhlke was the "Human Eraser" as she seemed to block a boat load of shots every game. There is a little girl in LeGrand who is still in therapy after her 3 point attempt was swatted into the 10th row of the bleachers just before halftime at LeGrand. Some say this may have been the best JV team ever as many of the JV teams in the league were dominated by sophomores who moved up to varsity the next year an left a "weakened" league for the 15-0 2008-2009 Eaglettes.
Softball: There were a load of freshman on the team this year, led by Molly Farrar and Kara Gabrielson (3 doubles each), Cheyenne Perry and Paige Ulrich in the outfield, Steph Huber, and Rea-lynn Vanderweide. The team finished the season in 5th place in the Southern League.
Soccer: I had the honor of watching my daughter play soccer on the last team to have a winning record at the close of the season. Their record was 9 wins - 8 losses - 4 ties back in the Fall of 2007. Molly was a mid-fielder on that team and played a lot. The most confusing thing was that about two-thirds of the team had light brown hair, pulled into ponies, and I found myself cheering for Amy Wright or Megan Brown all the time.
Alana attempts to rip Molly's leg off
Molly Z (in white) vs Sonora - Nice vertical even on the grass - Cool action shot:-)
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