The Lady Eagles welcomed the Delhi Hawks to the "Nest" (just made that up:-) and were pretty rude about it. The Hawks were out manned, out played, and out hustled. TC play an outstanding match and every player contributed to the victory.
The Mollies
The Eagles won the match in 3 straight games.
Some outstanding performances included:
1) 6 kills for Morgan "The Italian" Andre. She dominated the Hawks like garlic dominates an Italian meal. Players who also had outstanding hitting nights where Rebekah Muller (5), Aubrey Larsson (4), Kara Gabrielson 3), and the Mollies (Farrar & Zuhlke) (2).
2) 8 sevice aces by Morgan "I take vacations when everyone else has to go to school" Andre. She looked like she had never missed a practice. Johanna Muller also served well with 4 kills.
3) 13 assists by Johanna "The Mauler" Muller from the setters position. Rebekah Muller contributed another 6 assists and Kara Gabrielson 3 more.
4) 16 digs by Candice "She's Number 1" Balswick led the team in an excellent night against the attack of Delhi. Others contributing were Molly F (8), Aubrey L (7), and Rebekah (6).
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