The Lady Eagles continue to be impressive in Southern League play as they improve to 8 wins and only 1 loss. The long road trips seem to be upon them as they travel to LeGrand today and then to Mariposa next Tuesday with Ripon Christian at home in between on Thursday. With only five league games left TC could tied for the league championship if they win the rest of the games. That will be difficult, as they play an excellent RC team and then a very good Mariposa, who took RC to five games and were leading with a score of 12-8 in the fifth game before losing 2-3. RC is beatable and TC could be the beater:-)
Three of the top TC hitters
The Denair Coyote's came to the Eagle's Nest for a homecoming week match and couldn't deliver the upset. The Eagles looked a little fatigued but managed to beat the Coyotes 3-0 (25-14, 25-19, 25-10). Coach Keith made liberal substitutions, especially in the 3rd game, and gave everyone the opportunity to play. The result was a little bit of inconsistency in the girls performances but the end result was still a decisive victory.
The big hitters for the night were lead by Kaisa S with 5 kills. Other impressive kills came from Molly F, with a slamming shoot (low and from far, far away) and Kara G with 4 a piece, Molly Z with 3, including a sweet back row attack, and Cheyenne P with 2 kills.
"Molly's to the 2nd power" led the team with 4 aces (Molly F) and 2 aces (Molly Z) from the service line.
Senior starters put on their game faces
The big girls at the net were Molly F with 3 blocks and Kaisa with 2. Blocks are a fairly rare event because they must result in a point to be considered a "block". If the other team keeps the ball in play then no block is recorded.
The Lady Eagles played a pretty good match considering Denair is scrappy and not very talented and that the demands of homecoming week are especially taxing on members of ASB, which many of our players are part of. Good job girls.
Come out and support the team at LeGrand. Just go south on HWY 99 past Merced, turn left on LeGrand Road and go about 7 miles, the high school is on the right. See Ya There.