A new season - A new blog opportunity:-)
HEY, WHERE ARE THE PICTURES AND VIDEO. If you have any, I can insert an impressive array of Audio/Visuals in the blog if provide with them. You got pics and vids, I want them.
The Turlock Christian Lady Eagles began the 2009 campaign with a 3-0 win over the Hilmar Yellowjackets. The buzz in the gym was not provided by an over-matched Yellowjacket team, rather by the impressive Eagles. All the players had an opportunity to play and the all played well.
The highlights of the match included:
• Kills (some really nice ones); Kaisa Spycher and Aubrey Larsson with 5 each and Rebekah Muller with 4.
• Service Points: Rebekah (6), Aubrey (5) and Candice Balswick (4). Morgan Andre also had a really impressive jump serve that seemed to shred the Jackets D, but only ended with 2 points in the official stats.
• Blocking: The "short" Eagles did surprising well in the blocking category. Rebekah led with 2 blocks while Aubrey, Megan Brown, and Molly Zuhlke each had 1 block.
• Setting: The coaching staff is loading the team with quality setters as Johanna Muller carried most of the duties, but Kara Gabrielson and Molly Farrer were impressive giving the hitters easy targets to pound.
• Digging & Service Receiving: The trio of Candice, Rebekah, and Aubrey provide the "Dig Duggers" as they combined for 35 up balls that kept the offence on the attack.
Come out and support the Lady Eagles as they play Pitman @ Pitman 6:00 PM, Monday, August 31.
For those who are new to the blog or just getting old and can't remember how all this "link" stuff works (you know who you are) just click on the "Lady Eagles Volleyball" and you will be whisked to Max Preps where the "statistic" junkies can get their fill of what your favorite player has been up to.
I will update information at the right when sleep is less important to me - that would be the weekend:-)